This started as a post on the
Vegan Freak forums... but I felt that I had more to say and contemplate, so I'm expanding on it here.
A poster there mentioned their increasing difficulty tolerating non-vegans. I was having this same conversation with a vegan friend the other day... About how I find it harder and harder to tolerate omnis that I really like, much less casual acquaintances. I could barely manage to sit and eat lunch with a lady that I've worked and eaten lunch with on and off for 7 years.
I don't even want to spend time around my family as much because of it - everything revolves around eating for most of my family, and therefore revolves around death. Sadly, I think many of my old omni friends have begun to sense this and are slowly drifting away. Even sadder - I'm not so sure that I'm not somewhat relieved that they are, so that I don't have to deal with it every time I go out with them.
I managed to not go to many of my family's big celebrations last year involving large numbers of dead animals... And even got some of them to eat veg with me for several meals. My mother eats vegetarian when it's just us. If I go out socially anymore, it's usually with my vegan friends.
I want to spend as much time in the company of other vegans as possible, and I'm gradually separating myself as much as I can from the omni world. I'm not sure if this is a good thing... but it's the direction I find myself going for now.