
Texas Steak CookOff = Texas Cattle Massacre

My family wants me to go to a steak cookoff in Hico, Texas, that my cousin is competing in. I've gone in past years, when I was pre-vegan, but now all I'd be able to think about is how many cows were massacred for some little podunk town to draw in some tourists. Besides, I'm not sure I could stand the smell - blech!

No, I believe I'll pass this year - and every year - in the interest of family harmony, and my own sanity. I'd just spend the day getting more disgusted and angry by the minute. And they're not going to change, so why waste my energy on something so futile? I could be blogging instead!


  1. well if you haven't been a vegan for your whole life I don't know why it would disgust you you should disgust you I'm a vegan and I live in texas so I'm used to the smell of death and have you thaught it's important to your cousin and places like that always have lots of other good food like potatoes and beans and stuff it's also probably gonna have a good selection of beer and wine since texas has so many wineries

  2. Really? I mean, really?

    Uhm, how long have you been vegan? Because if you've been vegan more than a week, you would know that the vast majority of other things available to eat at a steak cookoff aren't going to be vegan. The salad is served with cheese, croutons, and dressing - none of which are vegan. The potatoes are served with butter & sour cream. The beans are cooked with pork. Most of the wines and beers aren't going to be vegan either. And this is all besides the fact that attending the event and spending money there would be giving implicit approval of the event - which is Not Vegan.

    It may be important to my cousin, but that doesn't mean I have to put aside my ethics and pretend it's okay for them to murder animals for food. If my cousin felt it was important to kill and serve human babies for dinner, should I sit quietly at the table and say nothing?
